Bouton, Small Black


A button-style dish to showcase favorite items.


Cast in one pour, this dish is formed like a button to showcase your everyday favorites. Handmixed with different minerals and natural pigments, the Bouton carries subtle textures on its surface. As the concrete settles uniquely for each pour, no two are the same. Display favorite objects, use as coasters or plates for serving.


  • 5" round
  • 4 lb (1.81 kg)


Founded with a spirit of curiosity at its core, UMÉ is a multidisciplinary practice merging art, craft and experience founded by architects and designers Victor Lefebvre and Mei-Lan Tan. They, with  designers and artisans around the world, from California to Paris to Kyoto to Ubud and beyond, craft products that honor tradition, challenge convention and celebrate fine detail.
